Government Of France Fully Funded Scholarship 2023

Application for the France Government Fully Funded Scholarship 2023 is now open. Till January 1, 2023, applicants with any academic major are eligible for admission to the Masters and Ph.D. programs. The French Government Scholarships is called the Eiffel Program of Excellence. It ranks among the best government scholarships available to international students in France. This France Government Fully Funded Scholarship 2023 is supported by the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs. The length of the course will determine whether the scholarship is given for 36 or 12 months.

No application fee is necessary. For Master’s and Ph.D. degree programs, the maximum age for applicants is 35. There have been 350+ awards overall. Comparing French institutions to American universities, enrollment is much simpler. The University of Paris was ranked No. 1 in Paris, France, and 37th in the world.

The Eiffel Excellence Scholarships 2023 Program, created by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, offers yearly training for future foreign decision-makers in the public and private sectors in degree programs at the Master and Doctoral levels. Only higher education institutions in France may submit applications.

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Details Government Of France Fully Funded Scholarship 2023

  • Country: France, Paris
  • Sponsored by: French Department for Europe and Overseas Matters
  • Degree Level: Ph.D., Masters
  • Due date: January 10, 2023

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Eiffel scholarship 2023

The subsequent seven disciplines of education are concealed by the two principal corrective departments for the Eiffel scholarship 2023.

For Technology and Science

  1. Health and Biology
  2. Ecological Change

For Humanities and Social Sciences,

  1. Mathematics and Digital Engineering Sciences
  2. French culture, language, and history
  3. Political science and the law
  4. Management and the economy

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Study Levels

Universities in France that send applicants to the Eiffel program consent to accept them: a collaborative doctorate program (joint supervision of the dissertation and/or dual degree), in collaboration with a partner school overseas, in courses leading to a master’s degree in an engineering program.

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Master’s level Scholarship Duration

Maximum enrollment periods of 12 months for M2 courses, 24 months for M1 courses, and 36 months for engineering degree completion at the doctoral level. France Government Fully Funded Scholarship 2023 is given for a year in France.

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Benefits Of Government Of France Fully Funded Scholarship 2023

Postgraduate level: Eiffel scholarship receivers will be given a €1,181 once-a-month stipend, plus other facilities like universal and national travel, insurance, home explorations, cultural proceedings, etc.

Doctorate level: Eiffel scholarship receivers receive a €1,700 once-a-month stipend plus supplementary facilities including international and domestic conveyance, indemnification, home searches, cultural proceedings, and much more.

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How do I submit it?

For supervision and assistance on your educational campaigns, get in touch with Campus France in your home country or the Collaboration and Cultural Action Division of the French Delegation.

Interaction with the extraneous relations department of a French organization via its website, phone, or e-mail to discover the periods and dates for giving in to an application. You need to choose which college or organization finely suits your goals for learning in France.

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Application Process

Applications can be given in to from any higher learning organization in France. Your application for the France Government Fully Funded Scholarship 2023 has been approved and supported by the organization. Your application is given in by the association online over the particular Campus France website.

Uninterrupted applications from undergraduates or applications from imported further education colleges will be considered ineligible.



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