Top 20 International Scholarships 2023 – Fully Funded

Top 20 International Scholarships 2023 – Fully Funded. Applicants with low IELTS grades can now enjoy this scholarship in 2023. If your IELTS grades are less, we have given a complete list of European, Canadian, or US colleges and universities submitting 5.5+ Bands of IELTS results from the whole world for various scholarships.

Fully Funded Top 20 International Scholarships 

Given is the detailed description for fully funded scholarships accepting the lowest IELTS scores:

1# National University of California Scholarships 2023:

The purpose of National University is to provide heirloom, rookie, third-party, and merit scholarships.50% of academic fees is lessened in this scholarship. The National University acceptance percentage was 37.

APPLY FOR: Finland Scholarships 2023 Without IELTS

2# Missouri State University Scholarships 2023:

Missouri State University provides different scholarships which include the Missouri State Advantage Scholarship, A+ Recognition Scholarship, Missouri State Promise Scholarship, and Missouri Boys State and Girls State Leadership Awards. It also provides Combined GPA and authorized test results scholarships, GPA-only scholarships, and other scholarships. The least acceptable score is 5.5 and the acceptance rate is 88%.

APPLY FOR: Top 10 Scholarships in Europe 2023-2024

3# Southeast Missouri State University Scholarships 2023:

This university demands English language proficiency with the least result of 5.5 from candidates. The university provides foreign students scholarships for graduates, foreign scholarships, 1st-year students, non-resident graduates’ awards, and other esteemed scholarships.

  • The acceptance rate of the University is about 93%.

APPLY FOR: Top 20 Excellence Scholarships 2023-2024 For International Students

4# Concordia University Scholarships 2023:

Yet another great university in Canada is Concordia University which provides various scholarships like undergraduates entry tests, bursary programs, Concordia application-based scholarships, and many others. The least score is 6.5 and the acceptance rate is 78%.

APPLY FOR: Jobs In Malta 2023 – Without Experience

5# University of Louisiana Monroe Scholarships 2023:

This university is the famous US University that provides many scholarships featuring out-of-state defers, honor programs, talented allowances, and graduate scholarships. The admission acceptance rate is 77%.

APPLY FOR: University of Tokyo Scholarships 2023-2024

6# Quest University Scholarships 2023:

Canada’s Quest University offers a range of different scholarships for BS, Arts, engineering and science, medical law, and business admission scholarships. The acceptance rate is 80%.

APPLY FOR: Laurentian University In Canada Scholarships 2023

7# Telecom Paris Scholarships 2023:

Telecom Paris University needs English Proficiency. 5.5 bands of IELTS is acceptable. It provides various scholarships including technology, modeling, and theoretical views. Merit-based and need-based scholarships are available.

APPLY FOR: Scholarships In Germany 2023 – Fully Funded

8# Boston University Scholarships 2023:

Boston University is in Boston and provides foreign students. But they are only merit-based scholarships offered to undergraduates, graduates, postgraduates, and Ph.D. foreign students. It includes Trustee, presidential, and Lu Lingzi scholarships. The acceptance rate at that was 21%.

APPLY FOR: British Council Scholarships without IELTS 2023-2024 – Fully Funded

9# University of British Columbia Scholarships 2023:

UBC provides up to 30$ million yearly in scholarships and monetary awards. These UBC scholarships include important entry test scholarships, postgraduate scholarships, foreign student awards, and the Karen McKellin International leaders of tomorrow award.

Undergraduate students are eligible for this scholarship. In 2021 acceptance rate was 52.4%. A least 6 bands are okay by IELTS.

APPLY FOR: Ireland Government Scholarships 2023 – Fully Funded

10# McGill University Scholarships for International Students 2023:

40,000 students are availing of this scholarship including students having degrees in art, science, engineering, medicine, and management. There is also a one-year scholarship, Atlantic Provinces Scholarship, and McCall MacBain Prestige Entrance Scholarship.

In 2021, the acceptance rate was 33.6% and the least internet-based TOEFL record that is acceptable is 86 if the IELTS exam is not available.

APPLY FOR: New York scholarship 2023_2024 – Without IELTS

11# University of Alberta Scholarships 2023:

About 34$ million every year is given to students for their monetary needs. Eligibility criteria are necessary to avail of the scholarship. The scholarships include the International admission scholarship, the gold standard scholarship, and the University of Alberta graduate entrance scholarship. The acceptance rate was 58 percent and needs a minimum record of 6 bands in Canada.

APPLY FOR: European Scholarship Without IELTS – Fully Funded

12# Ghent University Scholarships 2023:

Ghent University provides a number of scholarships to foreign and Belgium students. These scholarships include Colombian students, top-up grants scholarships, Belgian technical cooperation scholarships, and extended doctoral scholarships.

The eligibility criteria are to have English proficiency with an IELTS authorized 5.5 records. This University is having a high rate of acceptance that is 100%.

APPLY FOR: Klaus Liebscher Economic Research Scholarships In Austria 2023

13# University of Calgary Scholarships 2023: 

The university is offering scholarships to foreign and native students. These scholarships include entrance scholarships, CIBC foreign entrance tests and Romeo and Eva De Guia Scholarship, Terry and Sue White Doctoral Scholarships, Cumming school of medicine scholarship, high doctoral scholarship. The acceptance rate was 10-20% in 2021 with the least need for IELTS which was 5.5.

APPLY FOR: Government Of France Fully Funded Scholarship 2023

14# Stanford University Scholarships 2023:

It’s a private university with a high learning style with monetary aid, other external allowances, student jobs, and other loans. Undergraduates, postgraduates, and doctoral degree holders can take this scholarship. 2021 was a tough year for Stanford university with an acceptance rate of 4.7%.

APPLY FOR: Leiden University Excellence Scholarships (LexS) 2023-2024

15# Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships For International Students 2023:

Vanier Graduate Scholarships are now in Canada for students till the month of November. Various programs came under Vanier Canada scholarships such as health research, social science, arts, and biological research.

The eligibility zone for Vanier Graduate Scholarships is that the pupils have to achieve a high-level assessment and a high record in each of their years of study.

APPLY FOR: Pierre Elliott Trudeau Doctoral Scholarships 2023

16# University of Ottawa Scholarships 2023:

The University provides 550 scholarships for postgraduates and undergraduates with a differential relief academic fee, president scholarships for foreign students, chancellor’s scholarship, and merit and admission scholarships.

APPLY FOR: Confucius Institute Scholarship 2023

17# McMaster University Scholarships 2023:

McMaster University is offering scholarships to foreign students with an entrance test, the woo family international scholarship, the McMaster Chinese alumni Peter George Entrance scholarships, and postgraduates scholarships.

The eligibility criteria for scholarships are students finishing high school last year and the acceptance rate was 58%

APPLY FOR: York University Scholarship 2023-2024



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