King Abdulaziz University (KAU) Graduate Program and Scholarship Criteria for 2024 | JOIN NOW

King Abdulaziz University (KAU) Graduate Program and Scholarship Criteria for 2024


King Abdulaziz University (KAU) is recognized for its commitment to excellence in education and offers a wide range of postgraduate programmes, including higher diplomas, master’s degrees and doctorates. In 2024, KAU will provide future students with opportunities to pursue higher education through its graduate programs. This article explores the various options available for applying to doctoral and master’s programs at KAU, as well as scholarship criteria to help eligible students continue their education.

1. Overview of KAU Graduate Programs:

KAU’s graduate programs represent the pinnacle of academic study, incorporating scientific and humanitarian skills. These programs include the following levels of study:

1.1 Higher Diplomas: Higher diplomas provide advanced knowledge and skills in a particular field, and often serve as a bridge to future educational attainment.

1.2 Master’s degree: Master’s programs offer in-depth study of a chosen field combining coursework and research and are usually completed in two years.

1.3 Doctorate: Doctoral programs are the highest level of academic study, emphasizing original research and making significant contributions to the field.

1.4 Prerequisite: Bachelor’s Degree: To be eligible for KAU’s graduate programs, applicants must have a bachelor’s degree in their chosen field. This academic foundation is a prerequisite for admission to graduate programs.

2. Apply for PhD program at KAU:

Getting a PhD at KAU is an important step in the academic journey. Here is how to apply for the PhD program:

2.1 Program Selection:

Choose a specific PhD program that suits your academic and research interests. KAU offers a wide range of doctoral programs in various disciplines.

2.2 Preparation of Application:

Submit all required documents, including your transcripts, statement of purpose, letters of recommendation, and any standardized test scores (eg, GRE or TOEFL), if applicable.

2.3 Online Application:

Access KAU’s online application portal for graduate programs.
Complete the application form with your personal information, educational history, and programs of interest.

2.4 Sending Documents:

Upload all the required documents and certificates as part of the application.
Be sure to submit a complete and well-organized application package.

2.5 Application Fee:

Please check any additional application fees associated with your chosen program.

2.6 Review and Submission:

Please review your application carefully for accuracy and completeness.
Once satisfied, submit your application within the specified time.

2.8 Notice of Admission:

Wait for your admission status notification.
If you are accepted, you will receive further instructions regarding registration and starting the program.

3. Apply for Master’s program at KAU:

Master’s programs offer advanced study and specialization in your chosen field. Here’s how to apply for a master’s program at KAU:

3.1 Program Selection:

Identify the specific master’s program that best aligns with your educational and professional goals.

3.2 Preparation of Documents:

Submit all necessary documents, including your transcripts, letters of recommendation, and standardized test scores required for your chosen program.

3.3 Online Application:

Access KAU’s online application portal for graduate programs.
Complete the application form, providing information about your educational background and the Masters program you wish to pursue.

3.4 Upload the document:

Upload all required documents and certificates to support your application.
Make sure your application package is comprehensive and well organized.

3.5 Application Fee:

Pay the application fee
Check for any additional fees associated with your chosen program.

3.6 Application review and submission:

Review your application carefully
Once satisfied, submit your application within the application deadline.

3.7 Admission Process:

The program’s admissions committee will review your application.
Depending on the program, you may be required to attend an interview or provide additional documentation.

3.8 Notice of Entry:

Wait for your admission status notification.
Upon acceptance, you will receive further instructions for enrolling and starting the program.

4. Scholarship Criteria for Graduate Programs:

KAU offers scholarships to help deserving students pursue higher education through its graduate programs. To be eligible for these scholarships, prospective students must meet certain criteria:

4.1 Academic Excellence:

Demonstration of academic excellence in previous academic endeavors is a key criterion for the scholarship. This includes strong GPAs and impressive standardized test scores.

4.2 Financial Need:

Scholarships may be awarded based on financial need, which will be assessed during the application process.

4.3 Research Capacity:

For PhD candidates, the potential for impactful research and contributions to their field will be an important factor in scholarship considerations.

4.4 Program of Study:

Scholarships may be specific to certain programs or fields of study, so applicants should explore available options.

4.5 Merit and Achievements:

Any notable achievements, awards, or distinctions in academic or extracurricular activities may increase scholarship eligibility.

4.6 Submission Deadline:

Applicants must adhere to the application submission deadline to be considered for the scholarship.

4.7 Continuing Eligibility:

Scholarship recipients are generally required to maintain a certain level of academic performance in order to maintain their financial support throughout their program.


King Abdulaziz University offers a wide range of opportunities for higher education through its graduate programs, which cater to a variety of academic interests and career aspirations. In order to pursue a PhD or Master’s program at KAU, applicants must navigate the entire application process, including program selection, document submission, and adherence to application deadlines. Additionally, scholarship standards provide financial support to deserving students, increasing access to higher education. By understanding these application processes and scholarship opportunities, prospective students can begin their journey of academic advancement at KAU in 2024.


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