Humboldt Research Fellowships for International Applicants in Germany 2024-25| Fully-funded | JOIN NOW

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Research Grants – Humboldt Research Fellowships in Germany


The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation offers a golden opportunity for experienced researchers from around the world to participate in long-term research projects in Germany through Humboldt Research Fellowships. With up to 500 scholarships, the program is aimed at highly qualified academics and scientists from various fields who have completed their PhD in the last 12 years. In this comprehensive guide, we will go over the details of this prestigious scholarship, including eligibility, benefits and application process.

Humboldt Research Grants: An Overview
1.1 Sponsored by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, a renowned institution dedicated to promoting international academic cooperation, chairs the Humboldt Research Fellowship. These fellowships provide a platform for international academics and scientists to conduct research in Germany, promoting collaboration between researchers in Germany and abroad.

1.2 Purpose of the Program

The main purpose of the Humboldt Research Scholarships is to enable highly qualified professors and researchers from around the world to visit and conduct research in Germany or to continue their research work in the country. The program is designed to facilitate academic exchange, foster innovation and promote academic collaboration.

Scholarship Details
2.1 Admission to Educational Levels

Humboldt Research Fellowships are open to postdoctoral researchers and experienced researchers. Researchers who have completed their doctorate within the last 12 years can apply.

2.2 Duration of Scholarship

Fellowships for postdoctoral and experienced researchers range in duration from 6 to 24 months, giving academics the flexibility to engage in longer-term research projects.

2.3 Number of scholarships available

A substantial number of scholarships are offered through the program, with up to 500 scholarships awarded by the Humboldt Research Scholarships.

Financial coverage
3.1 Comprehensive Support

Humboldt Research Scholarships offer comprehensive financial support, including:

  • Full tuition coverage.
  • Accommodation rates.
  • A stipend of €2,650 per month for postdoctoral researchers and €3,150 per month for experienced researchers.

This financial cover not only reduces the financial burden but also ensures that academics can focus on their research without worrying about their basic living expenses.

Eligibility Criteria

4.1 International Candidates

Humboldt Research Scholarships are open to international candidates and provide a global platform for academic collaboration and knowledge exchange.

4.2 Doctoral or comparable academic degree

Eligible candidates should have a PhD or comparable academic degree, reflecting their high academic qualifications and willingness to engage in high-level research.

4.3 Research Background

Applicants should demonstrate a strong research background, indicating their commitment to academic and scientific research.

4.4 Language Proficiency

Candidates should have good language skills in English or German, as this is essential for effective communication and research collaboration.

4.5 Academic Publications

A strong academic publication record is recommended as it reflects the candidate’s contribution to their field of study and to the wider academic community.

Required Documents

To complete the application process, candidates must provide the following documents.

5.1 Curriculum Vitae (CV)

A comprehensive curriculum vitae of maximum two pages, highlighting the academic and research career of the candidate.

5.2 Research Outline

A research outline of a maximum of five pages, detailing the proposed research project and its significance.

5.3 List of Publications

A complete list of publications, including the candidate’s academic contributions in the form of research papers, articles and books.

5.4 List of selected key publications

A list of selected key publications that demonstrate the candidate’s most significant contributions to their field.

5.5 Doctoral Certificate

Doctoral certificate of the candidate or its equivalent educational credentials attesting to his academic training.

5.6 Letters of Recommendation

Letters of recommendation from persons who attest to the candidate’s academic and research abilities.

Fields of study

The Humboldt Research Fellowships are available to researchers in all fields and majors, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and supporting research endeavors across a wide spectrum of academic disciplines.


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