University of Phoenix scholarship 2024-25 | Join Now

Search for University of Phoenix Scholarship for 2024

Are you a student who wants to continue your education with a higher degree? If so, you’re in luck! In this comprehensive article, we will provide you with valuable information about the University of Phoenix Scholarships for 2024. Founded in 1976, the University of Phoenix offers a wide range of degree programs, including master’s, graduate and postgraduate degrees. To make education more accessible, the university offers several scholarships regardless of your academic background. Join us as we review the details of these scholarships and explore their potential opportunities.

1. Phoenix Scholarship: In Search of Excellence

Eligibility: Master’s and Bachelor’s degree applicants.

The Phoenix Scholarship is a prestigious opportunity for students pursuing master’s and bachelor’s degrees at the University of Phoenix. Successful applicants can receive awards of over $1,000 to support their entire degree program. To be eligible, students must apply for one of the university’s specified courses and have at least three years of relevant experience. Importantly, applicants must already be enrolled in a degree program at the university to be eligible.

Application Deadline: April 30, 2024

Note: This scholarship is available for students starting their first class between April 1, 2024 and April 30, 2024.

2. Phoenix Winter Scholarship: Embrace the season of learning.

Eligibility: Undergraduate and Master’s students.

The Phoenix Winter Scholarship is open to undergraduate and Masters students. Undergraduate students do not need work experience, while master’s applicants must submit a letter of experience. The scholarship applies to students taking one of eleven designated courses and the award amount is an impressive $3,000.

Application Deadline: March 31, 2024

Note: This scholarship is available to students starting their first class between March 1, 2024 and March 31, 2024.

3. Current Student Scholarship: Beneficial Excellence

Eligibility: Masters students and undergraduate students in their first semester with a 3.85 GPA

The Current Student Scholarship recognizes excellence in Masters students with a notable 3.85 GPA. Undergraduate students are also eligible in their first semester, as long as they have an international high school academic record. This scholarship provides students with a generous scholarship of $2,000 spread across eleven courses.

Application Deadline: March 31, 2024

Note: To apply for this scholarship, students must start their first class between March 1, 2024 and March 31, 2024.

4. The Alumni Scholarship: A Reward for Achievement

Eligibility: Graduates of the University of Phoenix pursuing a master’s degree.

If you have already graduated from the university of phoenix grants and scholarships and are looking to pursue a master’s degree, an alumni scholarship awaits you. This scholarship provides a grant of $3,000 to qualified students enrolled in a master’s degree program.

Application Deadline:

Forever Phoenix Scholarship – March: Apply by March 31, 2024.
Forever Phoenix Scholarship – April: Apply by April 30, 2024.

Note: For both Forever Phoenix Scholarships, students must have started their first class between the specified dates in March or April 2024.

5. Transfer Scholarship: International students are welcome

Eligibility: International students pursuing a bachelor’s degree with a 3.0 GPA.

International students pursuing a bachelor’s degree at the University of Phoenix are eligible to apply for transfer scholarships. To be eligible, students must maintain a 3.0 GPA in their degree program. This scholarship offers an award of $3,000.

Application Deadline:

Transfer Scholarship – March: Apply by 31 March 2024.
Transfer Scholarship – April: Apply by 30 April 2024.

Note: To be considered for these university of phoenix grants and scholarships, students must begin their first class between the specified dates in March or April 2024.

Admission Requirements: Your Path to University Enrollment

Before you can apply for any of these scholarships, you must meet the University of Phoenix admission requirements. These include:

  • No SAT, GMAT or essay required.
  • There is no out-of-state registration.
  • No risk during the first 3 weeks for a bachelor’s degree with assignments less than 24 credits
  • A valid visa
  • Secondary education is gain a bachelor’s degree.
  • A graduate degree for a master’s program.
  • An IELTS test for English language certification.
  • A solid educational background.
How to Apply for a Scholarship at the University of Phoenix

To begin your scholarship journey at the University of Phoenix, follow these steps:

  • Make sure you are enrolled in one of the degree programs at the university.
  • Only enrolled students of the university can apply for the scholarships.
  • Visit the official website of the university to find the most suitable scholarship.
  • Complete the scholarship application form.
  • Please be prepared to submit the required documents for verification with your application.
  • Submit your application before the specified deadline to avoid rejection.

For more details and complete information about university of phoenix grants and scholarships, please visit the official website. This is your gateway to valuable educational opportunities!

We hope this article has provided you with valuable information about the exciting scholarship opportunities available at the University of Phoenix. Whether you are doing Post Graduate, Masters or Ph.D. degree, the University of Phoenix may have the perfect scholarship to help you on your educational journey. If you found this article useful, please consider sharing it with others who could benefit from these wonderful opportunities.

Thanks for reading and good luck with your scholarship applications!


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