Scholarships In Norway 2023 – Study For Free In Norway

VID Specialized University International Scholarships In Norway 2023 are open nowadays. VID Specialized University is actively providing Ph.D. Research Fellowships in the Health and Diaconia for the academic year 2022-2023 in order to empower individuals to pursue a Ph.D.programme in Norway.

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Study For Free In Norway

The aim of the research fellowship is to get a Ph.D. after final a Ph.D.programme at the University. Having a Ph.D. is valuable in both academic and non-academic careers. For a Ph.D. post, a minimum of 3 years is required. Researchers on the grounds of health and diaconia may apply for Ph.D. Research Fellowships at the VID Specialized University.

The research fellowship job permits you to get a Ph.D. after finishing research training in one of the university’s Ph.D.programmes. Academic and professional parts may be filled up with a Ph.D. degree. There is a 3-year term for the Ph.D. job.

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 About Scholarships In Norway 2023:

  • Deadline: 15th August 2022
  • Host Country: Norway
  • Study Level: Ph.D., Postgraduate
  • Funding Type: Fully Funded
  • University or Organization: VID Specialized University
  • Department: NA
  • Award: NOK 491,200

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 About VID Specialized University:

  • VID Specialized University is actively providing Ph.D. Research Fellowships in the Health and Diaconia for the academic year 2022-2023 in order to empower individuals to follow a Ph.D. program in Norway.
  • The aim of the research fellowship is to get a Ph.D. after accomplishing a Ph.D. program at the University. Having a Ph.D. is valuable in both academic and non-academic careers. For a Ph.D. post, a minimum of 3 years is required.
  • Researchers in the fields of health and the diaconia may apply for Ph.D. Research Fellowships at the VID Specialized University.
  • The research fellowship job permits you to get a Ph.D. after finishing research training in one of the university’s Ph.D. programs.
  • Academic and professional roles may be filled up with a Ph.D. degree. There is a 3-year term for the Ph.D. job.

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Benefits Of Scholarships In Norway 2023

  • Salary grade 54 will be made offered by the institution (NOK 491 200). State pension plans, accidents, and group life insurance must be a part of the agenda. According to the collective bargaining agreement, the salary will be increased yearly.
  • A specialized university with academic teaching and research objectives that are applicable to society and the church. •
  • Stipendiat code 1017 of the Basic Collective Agreement, salary table 20, alternative 10, grade 54 (NOK 491 200). It is necessary to be registered in the State Pension Plan, as well as in the accident and group life insurance programs. According to the collective bargaining agreement, salaries will be elevated each year.
  • A chance to grow intelligently amongst peers who are equally devoted and well-qualified
  • VIRKE and the Employees Unions (Enterprise Federation of Norway) have signed a major contract that presents access to the State Pension Plan. Loan-and-pension conditions are comprised in VID.

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Requirements For Scholarships In Norway 2023

Candidates must provide a CV, certificates, transcripts, diploma additions, and project descriptions of at minimum 3,000 words but no more than 4500 words. Please contact HR at if you have a certification that cannot be supplied online.

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How To Apply for Scholarships In Norway 2023

  • Eligible Nations: All countries are qualified for International VID Specialized University scholarships.
  • Eligible Courses or Subjects: Ph.D. studies in the Abrahamic faiths. Humanism and Atheism Religion in comparison. The University provides health science programs.
  • Eligibility Requirements
  • To be considered, the grades on the master’s thesis and the appropriate master’s program average charges must be B or better.
  • The capacity to work self-sufficiently and in a focused way
  • Experience in applied research and development
  • The ability to practice in the suitable areas
  • The ability to work effectively and organized





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