World Bank Joint Japan Graduate Scholarships 2022-2023

World Bank Joint Japan Graduate Scholarships 2022-2023
dear international students
welcome back to full scholarshiphither
today to study World Bank Joint Japan Graduate Scholarship
it’s a fully funded scholarships for low
grade students who have achieved low
grades who have achieved low percentage
and who find it difficult to
grab the scholarships of World Bank Joint Japan Graduate Scholarship and this
scholarship is particularly for
all students but particularly for the
low grade students
you can study master’s degree at any
university in us europe africa oceania
japan anywhere in these of the countries
there is completely no application fee
this is free to apply and
you can apply to any of the partner
universities and World Bank Joint Japan Graduate Scholarship we will show you the
list of partner universities there are a
lot of universities
similarly you can follow us on instagram
you can get the score sibling on
instagram also
now here you can check the list of
universities that under this scholarship
worldwide scholarship will cover
scholarships so first is the australian
national university and here you can
check courses second is the brandeis
university here you can check courses
third is the columbia university you can
check the courses fourth is the erasmus
university rotterdam you can check the
courses harvard university is even there
in this scholarship and you can check
the courses
delft university is this
here so you can check john’s hopkins
school university is there you can check
ko university
grips saitama sos university london is
there stanford university is there
university of birmingham there and
university of california berkeley is
also there
so you can check university of hong kong
university of leeds university of oxford
university of sussex and university of
university of wisconsin
university of kit williams college
national university so you can
check 26 different universities from
different countries are there so you
have opportunity to study World Bank Joint Japan Graduate Scholarship under these courses listed
so it’s a best opportunity to avail
under the scholarships and you can grab
admissions and scholarships under this
university now if you are done with this
if you are reading
done with reading these you can visit
any of the links here but to apply for
the scholarship scroll down to the end
of this page here you can check
financial coverage here you can check
eligibility criteria here you can check
deadline and deadline for this
particular opportunity 28 february and
27th may so there are two intakes if you
apply right now you will be considered
for 28th february if you apply after
28th february will be considered
automatically for 27th may so you have
enough time up to me you can apply but
it’s recommended that you apply for the
first spaces
now how to apply you can check process
is completely online and at the end
there is apply here now given at the red
and big and bold if you are seeing this
clearly please do click on this apply
here now before we proceed to
application part
it will take you to this sign up page if
you are new here for the first time just
click on this sign up
here and there will be a registration
page all you have to do is
click on the sign up and proceed with
email password and confirm password then
click on sign up then there will be an
email verification on your email just to
verify that after verifying that email
this type of email and password you have
to do is just
then login click on the login button
so it will take us to the login page in
a matter of seconds now here can check
in my case there will be app new you
won’t have their profile i have already
completed this profile all you have to
do is simply when you first time arrive
on this page or this website there will
be complete profile first so what you
have to enter in the profile so let me
show you by editing again so all you
have to do is just enter the correct
data from your passport so you have to
enter the
salutation then surname first name
middle name gender
country of the
citizenship then contact and cell number
secondary email and then you can just
save changes so this is just a basic
information now once you are done with
this same portfolio same page will be in
front of you here you can check get
started click on this get started
in a few seconds we will be taken to the
application of World Bank Joint Japan Graduate Scholarship here you can check
application intake so there are 69 days
remaining to submit this
okay are you understanding this
so now you can check
which scholarship do you want to apply
developing country nationals and
other developing country nationals so
this is recommended recommendation
request and this is just as simple this
button will update reflect you how now
you can check you can apply to these
scholarships but i won’t only apply for
this particular score so i will click on
this open
click on this open button now
you have online application form for
developing nationals so are you a
diverse citizen so i am not devastated
which season
so you are off so just enter the country
if you are up okay if you are a
permanent resident seeking agency
other than this so these are not if you
are living in the leader part
just answer them and mandatory questions
so highest level of education completed
by father which education he has
completed so you can say masters which
are a university whichever layer your
father has completed and you can just
to your mother same so as of january
have you been executing so
aforementioned so
none of us has been to the world bank so
have you ever had at least a bachelor’s
degree or their full time or this yes i
have achieved
you can check the university
after that which country did you achieve
with that degree
so enter the degree of that enter the
country of that degree
where you enter the university actually
where the universities switch it where
ready to complete it and the degree
then enter the total number of full-time
equivalents so
you can enter the degree dates also
so after the degree entered above have
you earned it another university degree
so you can say yes or no i have not
indicate by percentage your scores of
financing higher earnings so
do you had loans so i had no loans
how did you find it that self
and family members so you can enter the
family members
so are you any employer is your family
employed how many numbers
then merit basis scholarships so you i
have zero meals which was need based i
had zero
either i had zero scholarships
then after earning
either of your first university have you
enrolled in the graduate from but left
and did not earn have earned so if you
have enrolled for other degrees so you
can say yes or no i had not or you
cannot be a student so you can say yes
so i am not a current district i have
just completed my graduation and have
you taken any other courses trending
outside the country for last three years
i had not
so japan financing have you been offered
received any of this so i had not
so participating master’s program so
which past
university you would like to consider
so i am choosing this
university of uh
johns hopkins
then expected start date
so i’m expecting from the
june or july or august
then regarding this application have you
offered or have you seeking any of the
additional resource funding so i had not
seek any
source of funds so i’ll be placing
myself funds
amount of funds how can you how much you
and use of purpose of funds so you can
say just education
so if you are married
so i am not married
then employment
so i am just a student
so i had no
so you can say other
okay so just say
in the
education you had any some experiences
if your internships can submit that as
an education experience
and then are you applied in a paid job
either currently working so i am not
so i have zero employment history
internship volunteering work so
i had zero years of whole
then how many unpaid internships you had
so you can say one here i have also one
and which organization
so you can say
and what was your role
so just a volunteer
and then
when did you started that
so you can say like i had in the 2020
january first
and to end date
so i had
december 31st
201 so i had two years of experience
then how frequently was this so you can
at least one time per week okay
statement of purpose just enter
statement of purpose
so you can answer the questions about
this second person achievement then
looking at your history
answer this question and if you receive
this funding how will you use this
funding so justify the answer that why
should i receive this
how will i use this and then answer this
question also
then require documents so first you have
the cv then you have the photocopies of
employment history if you had any and if
you had internships about that then
proof of employment not written english
if it is not written in english you can
submit that so both are the same
then photocopy of the certificate of
your degree
then the diploma certificate or
transcript this is not mandatory it’s
only these documents that the red star
are mandatory then
have you been currently an unconditional
offer from if you have any of the uk
university offers or any of the country
of the university is mentioned on this
website so if you have offer from any of
these universities you can submit that
offer letter here
and send the unconditional offer letter
click on the mark complete
so these fields are required
so i have complete one two and three
fields four fields five fields i upload
i have to upload this document so let me
upload this document first in a few
seconds then we will proceed to
so now i have uploaded the mandatory
let me check and mark this complete okay
so there is some uh what i need
scan coffee and unconditional letter
that i had not possibly was seeking
funding so let me upload this
conditional letter so i have completed
and let’s wait for a few seconds
so the app file is uploading here
now we can mark it complete
okay it should take us into the next
page in a few seconds here you can check
the application is complete
and now we have to fill the second part
that’s recommendation request
so now
we have the first part complete click on
the second part click on open
and similarly
you have not added any of the requests
so you have to send the two
just enter the email
this is just
so you have to enter the professor’s
then send a guest to the professor so
that he can recommend you he will be
receiving a form
maximum required to and minimum required
click add new request add two processors
click on send again so you have to enter
the correct details of the two
so do not just copy paste these are just
a sample so you can check i have
completed that also now click on close
so here you can check
are complete
my application is complete with
my developing country national
recommendation request is also complete
so you can check both are complete if
you have doubt in in this application
form the w1 please do comment down that
i have doubt in this white what is
required in that how did you uploaded
that document and which document it was
we will answer that it’s just mentioned
here by will clear if you have doubts
now just hit the submit button
so here we have learned that
you can check the this has been
so i hope you have understood the
process our application is successfully
submitted our recommendations are
successfully submitted so our pressures
whoever recommendation you are
submitting ask them to just reply to
this link they have received in the
email from this world bank japan and
just fill that form
so if you have doubt in this
anywhere in this
please do comment down and message

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