Amelia Earhart Fellowship 2024-25 | JOIN NOW

Empowering Women in Aerospace: Amelia Earhart Fellowship


In the field of aerospace engineering and space sciences, the acquisition of knowledge is not only a scientific endeavor but also a commitment to break down gender barriers. The Amelia Earhart Scholarship sponsored by Zonta International Headquarters is a testament to the global empowerment of women in these fields. In this article, we examine the important details of this scholarship, its eligibility criteria, application process, and its impact on the advancement of women in the aerospace sector.

The essence of the Amelia Earhart Scholarship

Named after legendary aviator Amelia Earhart, the scholarship reflects the spirit of women who defied convention and reached new heights. Zonta International, a global organization dedicated to empowering women through service and advocacy, established this scholarship to support women pursuing doctorates in aerospace engineering or space science.

Eligibility Criteria

1. Academic excellence

The scholarship is designed for women of any nationality who demonstrate a superior academic record. This standard ensures that recipients are not only passionate about their field, but have also demonstrated outstanding academic achievement.

2. Enrollment in Doctoral/PhD programmes.

Applicants must be enrolled in a Ph.D./Ph.D. Full-time, with at least one year of completion or a Master’s degree in a field applicable to the aerospace industry. It ensures commitment to innovative studies and research in the aerospace sector.

3. Emission standard

To maintain fairness, some people are excluded from applying. Classified members of Zonta International, including club members and direct members, along with employees and their families, are not eligible. This exclusion preserves the impartiality of the selection process.

4. Postdoctoral Research Program

It is important to note that postdoctoral research programs are not eligible for the Amelia Earhart Fellowship. This is consistent with the scholarship’s focus on supporting women during doctoral studies.

5. Limitations on Renewal

Previous recipients of the Amelia Earhart Scholarship are not eligible to renew for a second year. This rule ensures that the scholarship reaches out to a wide spectrum of deserving candidates and empowers them.

Application process

1. Deadline for submission: 15 November 2023

Applicants must meet the submission deadline to be considered for the scholarship. This deadline allows for an orderly review process, ensuring fairness and equal consideration for all applicants.

2. Application Platform: Zonta International Website

Prospective applicants can access the application platform through the official website of Zonta International. The easy-to-use interface provides all the necessary information and instructions for a smooth application process.

3. Required Documents

Applicants are typically required to submit academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, and a complete personal statement outlining their research goals and contributions to aerospace engineering or space science. These documents serve as an overall representation of the applicant’s academic and professional abilities.

4. Evaluation and selection

A rigorous screening process is conducted to select the most deserving candidates. A selection committee, composed of experts in the field, evaluates each application based on academic merit, research potential, and alignment of the applicant’s goals with the objectives of the fellowship.

Influence and recognition

1. Financial Assistance: $10,000 Award

The Amelia Earhart Scholarship provides financial support in the form of a $10,000 award. This funding allows recipients to focus on their studies and research without the added burden of financial restrictions.

2. Identification and Networking

Being an Amelia Earhart Fellow brings not only financial benefits but also recognition in the aerospace community. Fellows become part of a prestigious network, opening doors to collaboration, mentorship opportunities, and exposure to the latest developments in their field.

3. Advancing Women in Aerospace

In addition to individual achievements, the fellowship plays an important role in advancing women in aerospace. By breaking down gender barriers, supporting education, and fostering a sense of community among women in these fields, the Amelia Earhart Fellowship contributes to a more inclusive and diverse future for aerospace engineering and the space sciences.


The Amelia Earhart Fellowship is not just a monetary award. It is a symbol of empowerment and encouragement for women pursuing higher education in aerospace. As the November 15, 2023 deadline approaches, aspiring female aerospace researchers are urged to seize this opportunity, submit their applications, and become part of a legacy that honors the courage and determination of Amelia Earhart. Respects the spirit of Through this fellowship, Zonta International paves the way for a future where women in aerospace reach new heights and inspire generations to come.


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