Labor Card Scholarships 2023-2024 | Great chance

Labor Card Scholarships 2023-2024 : Financial support for economically disadvantaged students

The Labor Card Scholarship 2023-2024 program was created to support people facing financial hardship and to secure the necessary funds to continue their education. This scholarship is specifically designed for those who are financially disadvantaged and cannot afford to pay their tuition fees. The aim is to provide financial support tailored to the course of study in India.

Overview of Labor Card Scholarships 2023/2024

The Ministry of Labor and Employment has created the Labor Card Scholarship Scheme for individuals working in the unorganized sector of the Indian economy. By enrolling your child in these scholarships, parents can secure promising opportunities for their child’s future.

Labor Card Scholarship Eligibility Criteria 2023/2024

To be eligible for the Labor Card Scholarship, applicants must meet the following criteria:

Employers in the unorganized sector whose income for the fiscal year is below a certain threshold.

2023-2024 Labor Card Scholarship Application Process

  • Application for Labor Card Scholarship 2023/2024 can be done online.
  • The application process is step-by-step as follows:
  • Visit the official website of the Department of Labor and Employment.
  • Find the Labor Card Scholarship Application Portal.
  • Please fill out the application form with accurate and up-to-date information.
  • Please enclose any necessary documents and receipts.
  • Please review your application and make sure all information is correct.
  • Submit all applications by the deadline. 2023/2024 Job Card Issuance Decision Process

The selection of 2023/2024 Labor Card Scholarship recipients will be based on the selection process set by the Scholarship Committee. Details of the selection process can be found on the official website.

Labor Card Scholarships 2023-2024 deadline

All recipients must complete the grant application form by November 15, 2023. List of scholarship programs for children of work card holders

Education Funding Program (Scholarship) for Children of Beedi Workers

Eligibility Criteria:

Applicant’s parents must have worked in her Beedi industry for at least her six months. The total monthly income from all sources of income of the worker’s family shall not exceed her 10,000 rupees. An education funding program (scholarships) for the children of Limestone and Dolomite Mine (LSDM) workers.

Eligibility Criteria:

Applicant’s parents must have worked in the limestone and dolomite mining industry for at least 6 months. The total monthly income of an employee’s family from all sources must not exceed the established limit. Educational financial support (scholarship) system for the children of film-related people

Eligibility Criteria:

Applicant’s parents must work in the film industry, including contractors or telecommuters. Film crew remuneration must not exceed established limits. Educational funding program (scholarships) for the children of workers in the Iron Ore, Manganese Ore and Chrome Ore Mine (IOMC).

Eligibility Criteria:

Applicants’ parents must have worked in the iron ore, manganese ore, or chromium ore mining industry for at least six months. The total monthly income of an employee’s family from all sources must not exceed the established limit.

General entry requirements:

Applicant’s parents must have worked in the relevant industry for at least 6 months. The total monthly income of an employee’s family must not exceed the established limit. It is a condition that you pass the final aptitude test on the first try or have been promoted to the next grade.

Remote students are not entitled to receive scholarships. Applicants must be enrolled in a regular degree program at a recognized educational institution in India. The institution must be state-owned or accredited. Applicants receiving scholarships or grants from other sources are not eligible for this program.

Applicants must be enrolled in a regular degree program at a recognized educational institution in India. The institution must be state-owned or accredited. Applicants receiving scholarships or grants from other sources are not eligible for this program


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