Holloway Principal Masters Scholarship Empowering Excellence 2024 | Great UK

Holloway Principal Masters Scholarship overview

The Royal Holloway Principal Masters Scholarship is now accepting applications. There are 64 scholarships available for new full-time and part-time students pursuing master’s degrees in any subject. The scholarship will reduce her tuition fees by £4,000.

Applicants who have completed the Royal Holloway Pre-Masters Program will also be considered and require an overall grade of 70%. Candidates are placed on shortlists based on academic excellence. Royal Holloway has a rich history, tracing its origins to two colleges founded by pioneers in promoting access to higher education for women, Elizabeth Jesser Reed and Thomas Holloway. Royal Holloway scholarships offer prize money or reduced tuition fees.

The award is competitively determined based on the scholarship certificate and the applicant’s academic performance. Scholarships are specially offered to underrepresented groups in higher education. Scholarships are automatically awarded to eligible students, but scholarships must be applied for separately. To apply for a Royal Holloway scholarship, you must first have an offer from your university.

Once you have received your offer, you can submit your scholarship certificate and other required information using the RH Direct online application system. If you applied through an agent and received your offer through Study Group, please contact your agent for guidance on applying for scholarships.

Reduced tuition fees mean less money spent on studying. The amount of the discount depends on factors such as: B. Are you an undergraduate or graduate student, a domestic student or an international student, and what specific course are you studying? Scholarships offer either partial tuition waivers, where a fixed amount of the tuition fee is donated, or full tuition waivers, which cover the entire cost. Tuition waivers are paid directly to Royal Holloway and not to the student.

Holloway Principal Masters Scholarship  deadline

July 31, 2023

 Holloway Principal Masters Scholarship position:


 Holloway Principal Masters Scholarship advantage

Here are some of the benefits you can enjoy with Royal Holloway:

Prizes: Students have the opportunity to receive prizes. These awards are awarded on the basis of certain criteria and performance.

Tuition Reductions: Royal Holloway offers automatic tuition reductions. If you meet the eligibility criteria and enroll as a full-time or graduate student, your tuition fees will be reduced accordingly.

Please note the following terms and conditions for all payments, discounts and fee reductions.

A. Enrollment Status: You must be enrolled as a full-time student or graduate student with Royal Holloway at the time of payment.

B. Advancement Requirement: If the study period is more than 1 year, she must have successfully advanced to the next study level. In addition, you must meet certain requirements related to your benefits.

We hope this clarifies the benefits and requirements of Royal Holloway.

 Method how to apply for Holloway Principal Masters Scholarship

To be eligible for the scholarship, you must fullfil the following criteria:

For graduate courses taught, you must be an applicant for home fee status.

Alternatively, if you have international fee status, she may have a UK 1st class degree or equivalent to a 2:1 degree in countries where a 1st class degree or equivalent is not available.

must be present or expected to be obtained.

All conditions attached to the offer must be met in order to be admitted to Royal Holloway in 2023-24.

If you are applying for an undergraduate or graduate degree, you must be a freshman.

Recipient of multiple Royal Holloway Scholarships, unless the terms and conditions for each award on the Royal Holloway Undergraduate/Postgraduate Scholarships website state that two specific scholarships may be awarded simultaneously to the same person Do not.

These eligibility requirements apply to applicants in all regions.


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