Conference Grant 2024-25 | JOIN NOW

Empowering Students: Radboud University Academic Enrichment Conference Grant


Radboud University, located in Nijmegen, Netherlands, is committed to helping its students achieve excellence and academic enrichment. One such initiative is the Conference Grant offered by the Profiles Fund. This Conference SCHOLARSHIP is designed to provide financial support to students who wish to attend conferences, congresses or symposiums abroad, with the aim of enhancing their educational experiences and supporting their study programs. In this article, we will review the details of the Radboud University Lectureship Scholarship, including the eligibility criteria, benefits and application process.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for a conference scholarship, students must meet certain criteria:

Full-time Registration: Applicants must be registered as full-time students at Radboud University, and this status must be maintained for the duration of the conference they wish to attend. This ensures that scholarships benefit active students who are dedicated to their studies.

Relevance to study: The lecture in question must be directly relevant to the applicant’s program of study. This requirement ensures that the grant is used for academic growth and development in the student’s chosen field.

International Conference: The conference must take place outside the Netherlands. This standard encourages students to explore international educational experiences and interact with a global community of scholars.

No Concurrent Grants: Applicants must not be receiving any other grants from Radboud University SCHOLARSHIP during the same period. It aims to avoid duplication of funding and ensure equitable distribution of resources.

Study Advisor Approval: An important step in the application process involves obtaining study advisor approval. The advisor must provide a signed letter confirming that the conference is compatible with the student’s program of study. This step ensures that the conference is aligned with the student’s academic goals.

Conference Grant Benefits

The lectureship scholarship offered by Radboud University is a valuable resource for students who wish to broaden their educational horizons. Grant benefits include:

Financial Assistance: The grant provides financial assistance to cover the costs associated with attending the conference. Students receive €75 per day for conferences held in Europe, with a maximum duration of three days, and €120 per day for conferences outside Europe, with a maximum duration of three days.

Flexibility: There is no limit to the number of times a student can apply for a conference scholarship. This flexibility allows students to take advantage of multiple academic enrichment opportunities throughout their college career.

Global exposure: By offering increased support for conferences held outside Europe, the grant encourages students to explore international academic events, encouraging a global perspective and intercultural learning.

Academic Development: Attending conferences provides students with cutting-edge research, networking opportunities, and the opportunity to present their work. These experiences play an important role in their academic growth and development.

Relevance to the curriculum: The grant emphasizes the importance of selecting lectures that are directly aligned with the student’s program of study, ensuring that the academic content is meaningful and applicable.

Application process

The conference is designed to make the scholarship application process accessible and simple. These are the main steps involved:

Web Form Submission: Eligible students can start the application process by completing the web form. This form collects necessary information about the conference, applicant’s study program and other relevant details. It is important to ensure accuracy and completeness in this step.

Grant Agreement and Authorization Statement: After submitting the web form, applicants will receive an email from Radboud University, usually within one business day. This email will contain two important documents: the grant agreement and a “Declaration of Permission” form.

Submission of Documents: Prior to the start of the conference, applicants must complete and submit the following documents via email.

Grant Agreement: Applicants should carefully read and sign the Grant Agreement, which describes the terms of the grant.

Statement of Authorization: This form must be completed and signed by a Radboud University Study Advisor or the Faculty’s International Office. The statement should clearly state the relevance of the lecture to the student’s program of study.

Approval and disbursement: After all required documents have been submitted and approved, Radboud University will process the grant and the approved amount will be disbursed to the student.


The Radboud University Conference Scholarship is a valuable resource that allows students to enhance their academic careers by attending conferences, congresses and symposiums abroad. By providing financial support and emphasizing the relevance of study programs, the grant encourages students to explore international educational experiences, engage in cutting-edge research, and broaden their horizons. It is a testament to Radboud University’s commitment to fostering a vibrant and globally engaged student community where academic progress is supported and celebrated.


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